Patient Participation Group
Townsend House Patient Participation Group
The Townsend House PPG is chaired by Roger Trapani who can be contacted on Our PPG meets quarterly at the surgery and comprises patient representatives as well as members of the practice team. The PPG acts as a 'critical friend' and maintains a productive working relationship with the practice staff through quarterly meetings. Key areas within the PPG remit include:
Communication of changes and developments in the services that we provide using our quarterly patient newsletter.
Discussion of issues facing the surgery and our patients and identification of ways in which these can be resolved.
Encouraging the use of modern communication systems designed to enhance the administrative efficiency of the practice and the ease of use for patients. This is done in recognition of the need for a variety of communication methods being used to reflect the different needs of members of our patient community.
Introducing and supporting schemes that encourage greater health awareness amongst our patients.
Reviewing patient feedback.
Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Patient Group Meeting
Our next Patient Partcipitaion Group meeting is being held on Wednesday 10th July 2024 at 6pm.
We would like to welcome any new members to the group who would be interested in supporting the practice in improving our services.
If you would like to join the patient partcipitation group please complete the form on this page.
Alternatively you can contact the surgery on, call 01297 20616 or ask at reception for details.
Patient Group Minutes of Meeting, Reports and Surveys